The price of energy production falls 6.1% in November
Industrial prices in the Community of Madrid moderated their interannual growth to 17.8% in November in the interannual rate and fell by 3% in relation to the previous month, due to lower energy costs, according to data published this Friday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE). So far this year, industrial prices have accumulated a rise of 11.5%.
Specifically, the greatest increase was registered in the prices of electricity production in the region, which increased by 27.7% in the annual rate. So far this year, energy prices in the Community of Madrid have risen by 16.9%. Compared to the month of October, energy prices in the region decreased by 6.1%.
In the interannual rate, the prices of intermediate goods (+12.7%), non-durable consumer goods (+6.5%), the prices of durable consumer goods (+5.4%) and goods equipment (+1.8%) also grew in the region.
At the national level, industrial prices moderated their interannual growth in November to 20.7% due to lower energy costs and fell by 2.2% in relation to the previous month, as reported by the INE.
With the year-on-year rise in November, almost 4.5 points lower than that experienced in October, inflation in the industrial sector has posted 23 consecutive months of positive rates.
The moderation in the interannual rate of industrial prices registered in November is mainly due to energy, which cut its annual variation by almost 12 points, to 38.6%, due to lower prices in electricity production and oil refining , as well as intermediate goods, whose annual rate fell by more than 2.5 points, to 13.2%, due to the lower cost in the manufacture of basic chemical products and iron products.
In contrast, the prices of non-durable consumer goods increased their interannual rate three tenths in November, up to 14.5%, due to the increase in the cost of manufacturing dairy products.
According to the INE, without counting energy, industrial prices showed a year-on-year rise of 12.1% last November, a rate 1.1 points lower than that of October and more than 8.5 points below the general rate .
The annual rate of the industrial price index decreased in November in all the autonomous communities, according to Statistics. The greatest decreases with respect to the October rate occurred in Murcia, the Basque Country and Asturias, with decreases of 8.3; 7 and 4.9 points, respectively.
For their part, the smallest decreases in the interannual rate were registered in La Rioja, Castilla y León and Navarra, with decreases of 1.8 points in all three cases.
At the end of November, all the communities presented positive industrial price rates. The highest annual rates occurred in Andalusia (+28.8%), Murcia (+25.6%) and the Basque Country (+25.2%), while the most moderate ones corresponded to Asturias (+9.6% ), the Canary Islands (+9.9%) and the Balearic Islands (+13.5%).