Dancers, extras and presenters are sought for the adult and children’s galas of the Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Council has reported this Wednesday that two castings have been called for the adult and children’s galas of the 2023 Carnival, since in the first case dancers and figuration are sought, and in the second presenters.

The call for the tests has been opened this Wednesday and will close on January 6, it is indicated in a statement that explains that for the dance group and figuration of the adult gala, people with scenic experience and knowledge are needed. in one of the following disciplines: breakdance, parkour, acrobatic basketball, skating or urban skateboarding.

The tests will be evaluated by the choreographer Juan Manzano, and to participate it is necessary to send the curriculum vitae, in addition to completing the form located in the town hall website.

To opt to co-present the children’s gala, a selection of boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 12 will be made, with “confidence” and artistic skills to act, sing or present.

In the case of child applicants, experience is not necessary, and to participate in the selective tests it is necessary to complete, before January 6, the required information on-line.

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