Towns with mystery, abandoned after depopulation and the path of citizenship towards areas closer to services. There are numerous of them in Canary Islandsbut there are two specific sites that accumulate more mystery within its walls. Stories of legends, myths and even hoaxes forged over the years have been enough for these two places to be part of the list of 13 most mysterious places in Spain, prepared by Expansión.
The publication covers the Spanish geography after horror stories sponsored under already uninhabited walls, although it concentrates most of it in Catalonia. However, two have been the ones that have caught the attention of the medium in Tenerife and both share the beginning of their history: built with the idea of being a center for healing and with the passing of the years punished by abandonment.
The first of them is located in the south of the island, in the town of Abades. An area made up of several buildings that were initially devised as sanatorium for leprosy patients.
It was about keeping the almost 200 patients who were then on the island isolated. However, none of them came through this area, which it later became military property.
Today it is privately owned and has been the object of desire by different developers to install a large tourism project
Sanatorium of the Teide
a sanitarium for respiratory diseases Construction began in the 1930s. Of the planned construction, around nine buildings remained standing. Its location: Teide National Park.
The houses were distributed in four relatively remote areas, with between 199 and 83 square meters built. The total built area was around 654, to which were added more than 189 cubic meters of walls.
Last February, its demolition by the Cabildo de Tenerifea task that has not been enough for Expansión to remove this area from the list of the most mysterious places in the country.