Sí Podemos Canarias has presented this Friday for the first time an amendment to the entire budget of the Cabildo de Tenerife for next year, plus another 63 partial amendments.
This was announced by the island councilors María José Belda, David Carballo and Cristo González, together with José Luis Almenara, representing Sí se puede.
“Our political group has decided to amend the entire budget project that PSOE and Cs propose for next year since we consider that this government team continues to bet on continuist policies of the Canary Islands Coalition, which entail the destruction of our fragile territory and that they do not contribute to improving the well-being of the citizens of Tenerife”, they pointed out.
María José Belda, spokesperson and island councilor for Sí Podemos Canarias, highlighted “the fact that PSOE and Cs present an amendment to this budget to provide financing for the Motor Circuit next year, being well known throughout the world that for Sí Podemos Canarias, the Circuito del Motor represents a red line that we reject head-on”.
In this regard, Belda indicated that “this destructive and unnecessary project is just the tip of the iceberg” regarding the reasons why they have decided to present this amendment to the entirety since there have also been “numerous breaches of agreements” that have led to forward in plenary sessions and plenary commissions together with the “lack of political will” of the island government for executing budget items that the group had consigned in the budget for this 2022 “and that have not materialized”.
María José Belda recalled that “the island government refused to promote the proposal to create a participatory process in which the citizens of Tenerife manifest themselves on the Motor Circuit, since citizen participation is a fundamental axis of the way of understanding politics”.
Regarding the partial amendments, the insular spokesperson for Sí Podemos Canarias pointed out that they have registered 63 amendments for a value close to 40 million euros, which give continuity to the work that has been carried out in this mandate, maintaining lines that have already been presented previously and that they consider that they should continue to be active, “in addition to those that the government team has not yet executed”.
Social politics
These amendments are aimed at social policies; to the primary sector and the natural environment; to promote sustainable mobility; to animal welfare; to measures for the supply and treatment of water; to promote sustainable policies; to heritage conservation; to the development of culture and sports.
For his part, the counselor David Carballo declares that “although at first it seemed that there was interest in changing the island’s policy, later it became clear that the policies developed by the PSOE and Cs in this term have given continuity to outdated CC projects such as the Circuito del Motor or the defense of the Port of Fonsalía, and have chosen to set aside the proposals that Sí Podemos has put on the table, not executing the budget items allocated for it”.
Carballo also affirmed that “this government team has had more than three years to change the island’s policy and it still has not done so”, so from Sí Podemos Canarias they have “plenty of reasons” to present this amendment to the entirety.
In this regard, he pointed out that there are still a little more than two weeks left for the plenary session of the budget on December 16, so “there is still time to negotiate and reach agreements to change the budget project presented by PSOE and Cs Therefore, the ball is in their court so that they can reconsider the spirit of these budgets”.
The insular councilor Cristo González has stressed that “in addition to not complying with numerous agreements promoted by Sí Podemos Canarias, the insular government has also rejected many other proposals put forward by our group to guarantee the protection of the territory and improve the living conditions of the population of Tenerife”.
Along these lines, he criticized that “the PSOE and Cs have given themselves over to a desire for development and devouring of the territory that distances itself from the program and from the conditions for which, during this mandate, the government team has received external support.”
The PSOE has abandoned its “progressive policies”
Cristo González pointed out that “the PSOE has abandoned its progressive initiatives that made possible the programmatic pact signed at the beginning of the mandate, which justified and fostered the motion of censure that led Pedro Martín to the presidency of the Cabildo de Tenerife”.
In this regard, he stressed that “the PSOE has decided to develop, together with its partner Cs, continuity policies that are not up to the circumstances and the real needs of Tenerife.”
On the other hand, José Luis Almenara, member of the Canary Islands Permanent Commission of Sí se puede, has highlighted that this government team, in which they initially placed “hopes in abandoning CC policies”, has “disappointed” with their policies after three years so they consider it time to stand up.
The spokesman for Sí se puede denounced that “their policies are purely developmentalist, leaving the agreements and proposals promoted by the coalition group unexecuted, in matters such as energy and food sovereignty, they have focused on their commitment to Cs and have not materialized what is wanted for the island”.