The Cabildo de Tenerife projects the construction of a lane at the San Isidro roundabout to alleviate traffic

The Cabildo de Tenerife, through the Mobility area, has awarded the drafting of a project to create a direct lane that, starting from the TF-642 towards Santa Cruz, links directly with the TF-64 towards El Médano avoiding passing through the San Isidro roundabout.

The First Vice President and Island Councilor for Mobility, Enrique Arriaga, assures that the objective is that with the construction of this lane the traffic that is generated in the San Isidro roundabout can be “relieved” and explains that at this point “there is usually congestion because the vehicles that go to both the town of San Isidro and the tourist area of ​​El Médano converge.”

Arriaga recalls in a note that “in the last three years and to help alleviate the serious traffic flow problem that exists in various parts of the island, both the Mobility and Highway areas have launched lanes direct at points of special concentration of vehicles”.

The insular director of Mobility, José Alberto León, indicates that “the winning company has three months to draw up the project that will allow it to gain fluidity in one of the points of great concentration of vehicles in the south of the island.”

Once the project has been submitted, the tender for the work will begin so that they begin to be executed as soon as possible.

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