The Common Deputy, Rafael Yanes, has met with Lorena Labrador, the mother of a minor with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who is having schooling problems in the south of Tenerife.
The mother assured that the minor has remained studying at the CEIP Juan Bethencourt Alfonso until, this year, he has been referred “unilaterally” to an enclave classroom.
Labrador asks that his right to choose the educational modality of his son and the right to an education in equal conditions be respected, which allows the little one to return to class with his usual classmates.
“The Ministry of Education has created and published an inclusion project for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in different centers in the Canary Islands, in which the CEIP Juan Bethencourt Alfonso is included, so I do not understand the situation in which we find ourselves A decree is being breached,” Labrador pointed out.
He stressed that boys and girls with these disorders have the right to be educated in ordinary classrooms with the necessary assistance, “as set out in different agreements of the European Union to avoid exclusion and for there to be a real inclusive education.”
Likewise, this mother has filed an appeal against the decision to change her son’s center “without my consent, and I will be willing to go as far as necessary so that our rights are respected,” she asserted.
For his part, the Deputy of the Common promised to contact the General Director of Personnel, “who is the one who signs this inclusion project for students with ASD and in which the CEIP Juan Bethencourt Alfonso is intended to be included. We will ask for the reasons why the ones that have taken the little one from this center and sent him to a different one”.