Adeje hosted the training sessions of the Red Prisma Tenerife Sur, with the aim of advancing in the care and inclusion of people from the collective LGBTI+ in the work dynamics of public administrations and schools. For the Councilor for Health and Quality of Life, Amada Trujillo Bencomo, “it is important to take advantage of all the synergies that arise from collaborative network work. It was shown that we can be more effective in serving citizens and we must continue on that path.
The City Council of Los Realejos presented an example of good practices, its Municipal Plan for Sexual Affective Education. A program that was launched in 1998 and that has continued over the years with transversal work both within the local administration, as well as with health centers, schools and groups.
By the Canary Islands Government, the general director of Diversity, Víctor Ramírez Pérez, presented the Canarian strategy of egalitarian transition, planned to be developed in 16 years. On the other hand, the coordinator of the project, Nayra Marrero Jaén, delved into the need to apply the legislation in all forms and documents of the administration, as well as in the images that are used to reflect the diversity of society.
Finally, the Adeje City Council offers citizens a sexual information and rapid HIV test service, as well as the Adeje Diversa project, to meet the specific needs of the LGTBI+ community.