The 105 entities and associations that appear in the Register of Citizen Entities of La Laguna are called today to participate in the elections of the Economic and Social Forum, a consultative and citizen representation body of the municipality that begins a new stage for the next four years, until 2026. The conference will take place between 10:00 and 19:00 in the Casa de los Capitanes.
The mayor of La Laguna, Luis Yeray Gutiérrez, also president of the Forum, explained that this day “represents the culmination of a process of renewal and promotion of this body designed to convey the participation of citizens in the life of the municipality.” For this reason, “it is essential that the greatest number of people take part in these elections, so that the elected representatives are supported in their actions”, added the mayor, who recalled that La Laguna is the only economic and social council that exists in the four major cities of the Canary Islands.
The alderman verified yesterday the preparations for the day together with the Acting Vice President of the Forum, Julián González Mora; the secretary, also acting, Alejandro Conrado Cordero, and the technical director, Jordi Bercedo Toledo.
The Economic and Social Forum is made up of 32 people from different sectors (economic, social, entities, and politics) and has a proactive, reflective and participatory nature. Today, 10 members will be chosen from among the representatives of the associations registered in the Register of Citizen Entities. Four of them correspond to business associations, two to professional associations, another two to neighborhood associations, and the senior and youth associations will have one representative each. The other 22 members correspond to representatives of municipal political groups, ULL, union organizations, financial entities, FAV Aguere and six more positions of direct election by the mayor among significant groups.
For this electoral process, it has been necessary to carry out an exhaustive update of the census of municipal associations, which had not been carried out since 2010. The intention is to present the 32 members who will form the new plenary of the Forum to the Municipal Plenary Session in November, with the election of the new vice-president and secretary and of the permanent commission.