The City Council of Santiago del Teide has convened the III edition of the 2022 Short Story Contest Against Gender Violence, which aims to raise awareness among the population against Gender Violence through the writing, subsequent reading and understanding of short stories, seeking to strengthen the values of respect and equality, so that together we can put an end to this social scourge.
Any resident of the municipality over 16 years of age may participate in this contest. Minors must present authorization granted by their father, mother or legal guardian and they cannot compete under a pseudonym.
The micro-stories, whose deadline for submitting works will end on October 21, must have as a theme gender violence in all its modalities and may be real or fictional stories; Excluding all those stories that have sexist, xenophobic or offensive connotations against people or institutions.
To assess the short stories, the following criteria will be taken into account: Adaptation to the theme of the contest (2 points), literary and expressive quality (2 points), syntax and spelling (2 points) and originality of the text and its coherence (4 points )
There will be two categories of prizes:
CATEGORY 1(IES TAMAIMO), aimed at students of said center over 16 years of age. The prizes that will be awarded will be the following:
• 1st prize: €500.00.
• 2nd prize: €300.00.
• 3rd prize: €200.00.
CATEGORY 2 (GENERAL POPULATION), aimed at people over 18 years of age. The prizes are the following:
• 1st prize: €500.00.
• 2nd prize: €300.00.
• 3rd prize: €200.00.