SEGITTUR has signed a collaboration agreement with the Cabildo de Tenerife, through Turismo de Tenerife, which makes the organization the promoter of the ‘Smart Tourist Destination’ model on the island.
The agreement signed by the CEO of Tourism of Tenerife, David Pérez, and the president of SEGITTUR, Enrique Martínez Marín, in an act in which the Director of Tourism of the Island Council, Laura Castro, participated, aims to establish coordinated strategies that promote the implementation of the ‘Smart Tourist Destination’ model in the territory.
The protocol has been agreed upon within the Working Group of Provincial Councils, Island Councils and Island Councils of the DTI Network created to promote coordinated actions and services that improve the tourism development of destinations aligned with the DTI model, taking into account the specificity of these supramunicipal institutions.
The president of SEGITTUR has underlined that there is a very close relationship with the Cabildo de Tenerife through Turismo de Tenerife, “which has allowed the application of the model and its development on the island”.
Thus, he highlighted that they plan joint research and have a line of collaboration that, thanks to the agreement, they hope to continue promoting for the benefit of smart tourist destinations.
For her part, the Director of Tourism of the Cabildo de Tenerife has highlighted that “the agreement with SEGITTUR allows us to continue advancing towards the innovative island model and to continue working together with all the institutions and sector of the destination towards a future island, more digital and innovative”.
The CEO of Tourism of Tenerife, David Pérez, has indicated that “this agreement will serve to improve collaboration between the two institutions and increase the commitment to the DTI Network”.
The Secretary of State for Tourism, through SEGITTUR, launched the ‘Smart Tourist Destinations’ program to help improve the competitiveness of Spanish destinations from the perspective of sustainability and accessibility through new models of governance that include innovation and technology as tools for this.
Within the framework of this project, the Network of Smart Tourist Destinations of Estaña (Red DTI) was established with the mission of promoting public-public and public-private collaboration to place destinations at the center of public policy attention in tourism, favoring the improvement of its competitiveness, promoting synergies and facilitating the necessary transfer of knowledge and the development of products, services and actions of Smart Tourist Destinations.
The island of Tenerife is among the most active destinations within the Spanish Network of Smart Tourist Destinations.
Among the Tenerife destinations that are members of the DTI Network are Adeje, Arona, Guía de Isora, La Matanza de Acentejo, Puerto de la Cruz, San Cristóbal de la Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Santiago del Teide.