The rain has started to fall hard The Lagoon (Tenerife) this Monday. If this Sunday it was Gran Canaria that saw how two lanes of the GC-1 were flooded after a waterspout in Teldetoday it is the city of the advanced that sees how the water has begun to cause incidents on the roads of the municipality.
A dana arrives in the Canary Islands: what it is and how it will affect the islands
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As can be seen in the network of real-time cameras of the Cabildo de Tenerife, the La Chumberas tunnel has begun to flood, where large puddles occupy one of the lanes, specifically, the one that runs towards Santa Cruz.
In addition, at the exit of the Vía de Ronda, heading south, there is an overflow of water that is falling directly on the exit road of the Vía towards La Laguna, at the height of the Pérez Minik Institute.
The cameras also show a large traffic jam on the TF-5, towards Santa Cruz, with vehicles stopped as it passes through La Laguna, where there is little visibility and heavy rain falls.
This Monday the entire island, like the rest of the Canary Islands, is on a yellow warning for heavy rains, which may extend to Tuesday, with expected rainfall of more than 15 millimeters accumulated in one hour, according to the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet). The archipelago is currently affected by the passage of a danawho is leaving heavy rains at points on the islands.