The regional government pays tribute to Canarian artists through an exhibition in La Laguna

The Government of the Canary Islands, through the Culture area, will inaugurate this Saturday the exhibition The other half: women artists in the Canary Islandswhich brings together more than 70 pieces made by 37 artists born in the Archipelago between 1815 and 1952.

This exhibition, curated by the researcher and university professor Yolanda Peralta, has as its main objective to question the hegemonic stories and narratives of art history, in order to recover the names and works of creators, mostly unknown or ignored, and present them under a new prism: that of the gender perspective.

Likewise, the exhibition also proposes a reflection on the place that women artists occupy within public art collections in the Canary Islands and the state of conservation of their works.

The exhibition will be structured in six sections: Empowerment and professional self-affirmation, Artistic creation and social class, art versus craft, The genre and artistic genres, pioneering and innovative Y The look review: women looking at women.

Many of the works that make up this exhibition, -among which there are paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, enamels, ceramics and jewellery-, will be shown for the first time before the public.

The artists whose works can be seen in this compilation are Carmen Arozena, Jacobina Bello, Gina Berndtson, Maud Bonneaud, Iberia Carque Cazorla, Arminda del Castillo, Lola del Castillo, Elvireta Escobio, Eva Fernández, Magdalena Fernández, Carmen González, Yolanda Graziani, Yvonne Guegan, Elizabeth Heaphy de Murray and Pepa Izquierdo.

In addition to them, there will also be works by María Lasso Morales, Elena Lecuona, Nieves Lugo, Pilar de Lugo and Eduardo, Alicia Martín Fernández, Lola Massieu, Josefina Maynadé, Jane Millares, Elizabeth Augusta Moss King, María Belén Morales, Maribel Nazco, Pino Ojeda, Vicki Penfold, María Jesús Pérez Vilar, Carla Prina, Laura de la Puerta, Manón Ramos, Chelín Reino, Inocencia Sánchez de Galindo, Maruja Soto, Tanja Tanvelius and Lía Tavío.

The other half: women artists in the Canary Islands It can be visited from Saturday September 17 to November 20 in the Sala Cabrera Pinto in La Laguna.

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