One month after the employer’s death Angel Ferrera the Court of Instruction number 3 of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has concluded that there is no impediment for it to be processed for incineration after taking into consideration the toxicological analysis that was carried out on Ferrera at the request of her daughters. The judge has informed the widow of the deceased, María Tavío, of this ruling so that she can take the initiative and, if that is her wish in accordance with Mr. Ferrera’s living will, carry out its incineration.
The toxicological report of the mortal remains of the businessman Angel Ferrera concluded that there was no poisoning. after drule out the presence of toxic substances in the first autopsy, The Institute of Legal Medicine proceeded to send tissue samples to Tenerife, where the Canarian headquarters of the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences of Spain is located. This is the procedure that is usually followed in these cases.
As the doctor who certified death confirmed in his report, the cause of death was metastasis with bone and brain involvement which led to the lung cancer that the former president of the Canarian Confederation of Entrepreneurs or former president of the Las Palmas Chamber of Commerce had suffered for seven years, among many other positions he held.
The investigation began after the death of the businessman at the request of his daughters -Silvia, Sonia and Marta Ferrera- who asked the duty judge to carry out an autopsy of their father’s remains on suspicion of poisoning. In a statement released by her and her sisters through Whatsapp, they warned of the criminal nature of the proceedings and their extension for months.