The authorities advise against or prohibit bathing in five beaches in the South: La Tejita, El Chinchorro and the central El Médano, in Passion fruit, due to the effects of runoff caused by the rain that fell the day before yesterday; Punta Larga and Los Guanches, in Candelaria, when the presence of microalgae was detected.
While in the case of VillaMariana, the Health area reports that it will monitor the situation, the authorities from Granada explain that the measure of prohibiting bathing and closing the three beaches is provisional and was adopted “as a precaution and in order to guarantee adequate levels of safety for the population”. The Consistory reported that its validity will be extended “pending the results of the relevant counter-analyses, which are being carried out by the Municipal Service itself. As soon as the analytics are suitable for the bathroom, it will be reopened ». A situation that the municipal government expects to occur today.
This situation coincides with the announcement, yesterday and by the Department of General Services, Environment and Beaches -whose person in charge is Marcos Antonio Rodríguez-, that the City Council and the Insular Council of Waters of Tenerife (Ciatf), completed the work prior to the administrative processing of land-sea discharge systems. This work made it possible to obtain updated data and detailed information on the area. This action, which required an investment of close to 58,000 euros, is part of the plan and projects necessary to achieve zero discharge status.
Rodríguez Santana argues that in July all the field work was completed, whose data will be basic to process the authorizations of the underwater outfalls of the municipal water purification system, which are carried out by Aguas de las Cuencas de España (Acuaes) and the Ciatf.
For the work they used a sonar and proceeded to take and analyze samples of sediments and organisms, an underwater technical inspection, a bionomic study and a bathymetric survey of the seabed.
Marcos Rodríguez explains that the department focuses a large part of the mandate’s effort on improving all sanitation, developing system maintenance actions, beach water quality analysis, the creation of the municipal commission for monitoring the Acuaes works and Ciatf, among others. He points out that these actions “have as their main objective to achieve zero discharge on our coastline, thinking about the next entry into service of the Granadilla de Abona treatment plant.”