A public competition in Santa Cruz de Tenerife differentiates between men and women as a “job category”, denounces United We Can

United We Can (Izquierda Unida-Podemos-Equo) has denounced that the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, governed by the Canary Coalition (CC) in agreement with the Popular Party (PP) and the turncoat councilor Evelyn Alonso (expelled from Ciudadanos), difference between men and women when establishing the “employment category” in the bidding for the surveillance and security contract of municipal agencies.

For Dolores Espinosa, councilor of United We Can in the capital corporation, it is “shameful and unheard of” that in the list of administrative clauses that will govern the framework agreement for the contract with the companies that are awarded the planned tender for the private security service in the City Council “different costs are distinguished for male and female staff, and it is established as a professional category to be male or female”.

The mayor of United We Can has expressed her surprise at the fact that in the calculation of the basic bidding budget for one of the lots, that of security, custody and protection services, two tables appear in the specifications differentiated by “job category”. : one for “male security guard” (1,524,961 euros) and another for “female security guards” (622,871 euros), “as if the condition of man or woman constituted a job category”.

In addition, the councilor denounces that the specifications that will govern this public tender do not include all the personnel of the SH Lanzarote company, whose contract was recently terminated by the City Council for its repeated non-payments to its professional staff.

“The surveillance personnel who provided their services at the Urban Planning and Culture headquarters are missing, who went on strike because the contract with SH Lanzarote ended, but who by law have the right to subrogation with the new company for a period of 12 months, which has not yet elapsed ”, explains the mayor of United We Can.

The termination of the contract with SH Lanzarote occurred after multiple breaches by the business side, which are added to “a long history of companies that work for public administrations in this private security sector despite the fact that they violate labor rights”. A situation that Espinosa has been denouncing “as a councilor and as a trade unionist, since she is a security guard by profession and in this case also one of the affected workers.”

This newspaper has contacted the press office of the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife to find out the reasons why this distinction appears in the specifications and this service has replied that the councilor for the area (Evelyn Alonso) will answer on Monday “if she considers it necessary”.

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