Canarian Coalition (CC) of Los Realejos recently held an extraordinary assembly in which it unanimously proclaimed the current municipal spokesperson, María Isabel Pérez, as a CC candidate for Mayor of Los Realejos ahead of the next municipal elections to be held in May 2023.
The assembly, which was attended by the insular general secretary of the CC de Tenerife, Francisco Linares, agreed by acclamation on the candidacy of the current nationalist spokesperson in the Realejero City Council, who was very “happy and happy about the acclamation as a candidate on the part of the local committee and the assembly, and more for doing it in difficult times like the ones we are experiencing, and also for the affection that all the companions have shown me».
Isabel Pérez showed her “excitement” in accepting this new challenge, at the same time that she made clear her “commitment to work with the municipality of Los Realejos and with its neighbors, who are the most important thing”. The spokeswoman and already a candidate for 2023 thanked all her colleagues for their trust and support, “and mainly from the one given to her by former mayor Oswaldo Amaro, who gave me the opportunity to improve Los Realejos with initiatives that we launched, such as the line 330, the shared taxi and the Flypa and Realexo projects, among others”, according to the note sent by the nationalist formation.
The current mayor of CC assured that her objective is “to change the null management of the PP for projects and illusion, in order to return Los Realejos to the splendor of years ago, especially after PP governments that have led the municipality with a former mayor who what he did was use Los Realejos to sell his image, and then abandon it.
“We have the best team, made up of the best people, and we have the best project for Los Realejos, where our goal is to put the municipality in the place it deserves,” said the nationalist candidate through the press release.