The island groups of the Canary Coalition (CC) and the Popular Party (PP) yesterday criticized the insular government’s lack of response to the central executive’s refusal to pay 100% of the cost of the bus and tram service.
The nationalists accused the president of the Corporation and the insular PSOE of “not defending the interests of the island and its inhabitants”, by not demanding a 100% discount on buses and trams on the island, as others have done. councils in the Archipelago.
Rosa Dávila, CC regional deputy, described as “incomprehensible” that the Cabildo and its president “justify this grievance of the Government of Spain with Tenerife and the Canary Islands (…) for the simple fact of not raising their voices before Ángel Víctor Torres and before their bosses in Madrid».
The regional deputy urged the unity of all the councils and municipalities of Tenerife and the Canary Islands to “demand the same treatment for the Islands” with the transport bonus, since it is a “real grievance” and a “total injustice” that is finance 100% of transport in the Peninsula while in the Archipelago “only 50% of the bonus is reached,” adds Dávila.
Equal treatment
In the Popular Party they say they are clear “that if the State finances commuter trains in Spain, and taking into account that the Canary Islands do not have trains, we have to demand, from the institutions, equal treatment with our community, applying this bonus to the buses as the only means of public transport in our archipelago». A demand made by the PP “from the perspective that it is necessary to guarantee that Canarians, in general, and Tenerife, in particular, have the same rights as citizens of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.”
It is exposed by the councilor Manuel Fernández, the same one who draws attention to the fact that, “while the governments of other islands openly demand from the State an initiative similar to the one announced, the Cabildo of Tenerife and the Government of the Canary Islands maintain a shameful and submissive silence, It shows a lack of leadership.