The Council of Tenerife approved in its Governing Council the bases and calls for scholarships and study grants corresponding to the 2022-2023 academic period, which will have four lines: university studies, artistic studies, vocational training studies and students with special educational needs.
The Island Minister of Education, Concepción Rivero, indicates that the 2022-2023 budget for scholarships and aid is 5,750,000 but the Cabildo plans to increase this amount to double (11.4 million euros) in case of need to prevent family income from being an impediment to the study of young people. “For years we have been working so that our students are not forced to abandon their training as a result of the economic difficulties that many families are going through,” Rivero emphasizes in a press release.
The maximum amount in the lines of university, artistic and professional training studies will be 6,000 euros in 2022-2023, without prejudice to obtaining the additional amount of 500 euros in the case of large families, in which there is a person with a disability or in dependency situation. Thus, for example, the largest amounts will range from 1,200 euros for students with special educational needs to 6,500 euros for university and Vocational Training students.
The insular director of Education, Isabel Bello, recalls that families with special needs will be able to process these aids both electronically and through the Registry, in person. And he adds: “The Cabildo has had and has these families very much in mind and, therefore, proceeds with extreme sensitivity to facilitate, as far as possible, the procedures.”
In addition, the island institution states that “those who aspire to any of these study grants will need to complete a single application even if several scholarships are requested. This year we insist on simplifying the procedures by unifying four types of general scholarship aid, given that this facilitates the procedures for students and their families. In this way, a person who opts, for example, for scholarships for undergraduate studies and for transportation aid must only complete one application».
In general, the requirements for obtaining aid They are the following: habitual residence in Tenerife, family income per person not exceeding 20,000 euros (10,000 in the case of students with special educational needs) and enrollment equivalent to one course, according to the Tenerife Cabildo. It should be noted that the application period for these scholarships for students, as well as other related information, can be found on the page