The Council of Tenerife launches the third Employment Plan of this mandate for the 31 municipalities of the Island, which has a starting budget of 8.3 million euros, pending the contributions defined by the municipalities, which have until the next day 31 to present your projects.
The island president, Pedro Martín, highlighted yesterday in the presentation of the Employment Plan that with this new item the global investment allocated to this plan amounts to 29 million euros from 2020. He adds that in the two previous editions (2020 and 2021), the Plan has led to the hiring of 1,455 people, to which must be added the 620 unemployed people who are expected to be hired this year, making a total of 2,075 people.
Pedro Martín explained that it is an initiative that “has no precedent” and that it involves “an investment effort such as has not been done before from the Cabildo, with which it is about guaranteeing an equitable and territorial distribution throughout the Island.” The insular president added that the plan has “great acceptance by all municipalities”, since “it is not only about hiring for hire, but also monitoring, training and prospecting work is done to that the participating unemployed people can reintegrate into the labor market once their contract period ends.
Most vulnerable groups
For her part, the Minister of Employment, Socioeconomic Development and Foreign Action, Carmen Luz Baso, pointed out that through this new employment plan, financed by the Canary Islands Development Fund (Fdcan), “the aim is to favor the hiring of three of the most vulnerable groups such as young people, women and the long-term unemployed”.
In this sense, Luz Baso explained that half of the hiring should be for young people under 30 years of age, which, as she said, “has allowed many young people with training to have their first professional experience thanks to this initiative.”
At the same time and with the aim of continuing to make progress in equality policies, “the plan reserves 50% of the contracts for women on whom family responsibilities usually fall, which makes it difficult for them to access the labor market”, added the Minister of Socioeconomic Development of the Cabildo.
Training is also valued so that between 25 and 40 percent of the hiring, depending on the size of the municipality, is allocated to people who have some type of training.
Cast criteria
Regarding the criteria for the distribution and distribution of the aid, Carmen Luz Baso highlighted two fundamental objectives such as “ensuring that all the municipalities benefit from the project, distributing 50% of the budget, some 4 million euros, equally between the 31 municipalities of the island; and make it easier for smaller municipalities to have the same opportunities as the rest, concentrating another 10% of the budget in towns with less than 20,000 inhabitants». Other criteria that will be applied to distribute the funds are the number of unemployed and the unemployment rate of municipal unemployment.
Carmen Luz Baso pointed out that, as in previous editions, the projects must be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and contribute to the sustainable development of the municipality, such as those related to the efficient use of resources, the revaluation of waste or the development of activities that contribute to preserving the environment and improving the quality of life of the population.