The City Hall of Arico has presented its budget with an increase of 9%, the largest since 2006. In real figures, they will represent more than 800,000 euros compared to 2021. After approval by the Citizen Participation Council, the Arico City Council channels its second consecutive budget of the legislature and now faces the plenary procedure. The accounts reach an amount of 9,308,655 euros and strengthens the response to Arico’s economic challenge, consolidating the financial situation and cleaning up municipal accounts, going from an average payment period of 300 to 40 days in this legislature.
The Finance Area, led by Víctor García, will notably endow strategic items such as Social Services and Employment, with an additional 200,000 euros, Citizen Security, with an extra 120,000, and the Environment, which will reach the historical figure of 170,000 euros to combat the climate emergency which is not foreign to the municipality. In this sense, the City Council will contract, in charge of the new municipal accounts, an inspection of the landfill; it will maintain its pulse against the disorderly installation of new wind and photovoltaic parks and will continue to carry out environmental awareness campaigns in schools and neighbourhoods.
Likewise, the consistory will continue betting on the promotion of the local productive fabric, allocating an additional 120,000 euros to the promotion of tourism, gastronomy or culture, thus strengthening restaurants and bars, farmers, ranchers or fishermen, rural houses or holiday apartments. The focus will also be on the modernization of the workforce with the aim of strengthening the local administration by summoning new positions and stabilizing municipal employment.
Budget Modification
The new municipal accounts join the budget modification approved this Wednesday with the votes of the Government Group and without the support of the PSOE. It is 2,328,080.93 euros which, together with the amount of the budget, will reach 11,636,735.93 euros. The amount of the modification will go to the remodeling of the Villa de Arico square, rehabilitation and maintenance of neighborhoods and actions focused on improving lighting and public spaces.
The remodeling of the Villa de Arico square will involve an additional investment of 430,000 euros, a necessary contribution to meet the financial commitments arising from the work. On the other hand, an allocation of 47,000 euros is provided for public lighting and 42,000 euros for the construction of niches in municipal cemeteries. 170,000 euros are earmarked for works on public roads and 120,000 euros for electrical installations in sports centers and water supply.