The Government Council of the Canary Islands authorized in its session this Thursday the expense related to the extension of the contract for the evolution and support services of the Electronic Medical Record of Specialized Care (DRAGO AE) of the Canary Islands Health Service, for an amount of 2,461,512.36 euros.
The extension will last for twenty-four months, between November 1, 2021 and October 31, 2023, which will allow the continuity of this service that supports healthcare activity and is essential for access to clinical information. .
The Electronic Medical Record for Specialized Care (DRAGO AE) arose from Royal Decree 1093/2010, which establishes the minimum set of data for clinical reports in the National Health System.
In the SCS, it was implemented with the aim of unifying in a single point all the clinical history of each patient, both in the field of primary and specialized care.
Thus, it is an information system that contains a single repository of reports for access by both the SCS professionals and the public, and which also allows the consultation of clinical information that may exist in other health services in the region. the autonomous communities, details the Government in a note.
The clinical information registered in the repository consists of the patient’s Summary Clinical History (allergies, drugs, health history), discharge reports, outpatient reports and nursing care reports, among others.