The Association of Forest Agents and the Environment of the Canary Islands-Afamcanthrough its president, Antonio Barrio Rois, has addressed the Department of Ecological Transition of the Government of the Canary Islands to present allegations to the Master Plan for the Use and Management of the Teide National Park, in which the need to have a correct environmental monitoring is pointed out, for which it is necessary to “adapt the templates of Environmental Agents to the progressive increase in visitors in these natural spaces”. Currently, four agents monitor Teide.
As pointed out by Afamcan, at the moment, only those four officials are dedicated to surveillance work in a space in which, according to 2019 data, almost 3,000 vehicles enter daily, and is visited every day by more of 12,000 people.
“In these circumstances, it is necessary that environmental surveillance be carried out with sufficient human and material resources to guarantee the conservation and maintenance of natural values, ecological processes, flora, fauna, geological structures, archaeological sites and all those other values present in the Teide National Park”, they point out from the association.
“For all this -continues Afamcan- in order to implement a Master Plan for Use and Management that guarantees that the regulations established therein are complied with and preserve its natural values, it is necessary to provide the managing administration of the National Park with a number of Environment Agents”.
Thus, the association specifies its allegations in that the improvement of the control and surveillance mechanisms is guaranteed, “through civil servants with the status of agents of the authority.” And that the implementation of monitoring systems and means to ensure the proper functioning of the National Park, is done through the “increase in the number of Environment agents that provide services on Teide”.