The group of CC-PNC of the Cabildo asks “to streamline aid for livestock feeding” and “the exemption of the fees of the Insular Slaughterhouse of Tenerife (MIT) due to the increase in inflation.” The nationalist counselor, Antolín Bueno, points out that it is necessary to implement these measures “Immediately” given the “difficult situation suffered by the livestock sector, aggravated by the galloping rise in inflation.”
Bueno remembers that the plenary session last March approved a motion to suspend the payment of fees for the use of the slaughterhouse for one year, which will mean an estimated saving of 1.1 million euros for the sector. “To date the PSOE has not complied and farmers continue to have to face these costs,” he argues. And he sentences: “The situation is practically unsustainable.”
Antolín Bueno underlines: “Since the beginning of the year, we have demanded an increase in the credits of the subsidy lines to compensate for the rise in costs of the productive sectors of the Island, in particular the primary sector, which is strongly affected by the increase in the price of supplies”. The CC-PNC counselor. criticizes: «The PSOE promises aid but the reality is that they do not carry it out. They are approved in plenary and then come to nothing.
Antolín Bueno recalls that from CC-PNC «in April we requested a shock plan of four million euros for the primary sector. Specifically, he points out, “we asked for two million for an urgent call for aid to cover the cost of food on livestock farms in Tenerife with the aim of alleviating the increase in the price of food derived from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and inflation. ». The nationalists also requested a call for direct aid of two million euros for the consolidation of employment in the primary sector. “The request was rejected by the government group and those who suffer the consequences are the ranchers and the primary sector,” he concludes.