The Ministry of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands records three new cases and two under study of monkey pox since Friday. Therefore, from the beginning of the declaration of the health alert there are 90 confirmed casesof which 61 were detected in Gran Canaria27 in Tenerife and two in Fuerteventura.
All active cases are having mild symptoms and remain in home isolation receiving follow-up from Primary Care.
Thus, the confirmed cases and notified in the Canary Islands from the beginning of the alert and until today they are as follows:
90 confirmed cases, 61 in Gran Canaria, 27 in Tenerife and two in Fuerteventura.
Three probable cases, pending confirmation, two notified in Gran Canaria and one in Tenerife.
A suspicious case, pending confirmation, reported in Tenerife.
The protocol of the Ministry of Health classifies cases between probable and suspected depending on whether the patient meets clinical criteria and epidemiological criteria (probable cases) or if it only presents clinical criteria and in this case it is considered a suspected case.