The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Javier Parrilla, has transferred to the beekeeping associations the five allegations of the technical service of Quality and Agro-food Valorization to the Master Plan for the Use and Management of the Teide National Park (PRUG) and that include that the hives go from 1,200 to 3,000.
Parrilla recalled at the Insular Table of Beekeeping that “beekeeping is a traditional use practiced in the Teide National Park for centuries, that is why the defense of beekeeping transhumance and the non-reduction of the number of hives in protected natural spaces is inalienable “.
In your opinion“the sector is currently going through a phase of maturity, so there may be moderate and non-damaging growthso if we have to put a number, let’s do it with the future in mind.”
From the area it is also proposed to eliminate the rotating distribution of the hives, the consideration of beekeeping as part of the material and immaterial cultural value of the national park and its inclusion in the catalog of existing cultural assets.
“We are facing an enormously traditional use, and the centuries of coexistence in this natural space show its ability to conserve the environment,” he added.
Likewise, the creation of a collaboration and cooperation framework is proposed with the associations and representatives of the groups linked to traditional uses, and may even create a sectoral monitoring commission.
The counselor also presented the lines of the new development strategy for the island beekeeping sector, a program of measures with which it is intended to respond to the structural and health problems of the sector, promote professionalization, the conservation of pollinator populations and their habitats and promote research.
Parrilla explains in a note that the objective is to collaborate with all the associations on the island to generate a consensus document that allows the implementation of a Strategic Plan in Defense of Beekeeping.
“Today we have presented our draft to the sector and now, what it is about, is that the different associations study it and make all the contributions and modifications that they consider necessary”, he commented.
Once analyzed, the island councilor anticipates that three work tables will be held, the first in September, to finish defining the document and take it to plenary for final approval.
The attendees valued the holding of this meeting, as well as the solidity of the document presented.
The island official, for his part, recalled that beekeeping has a transversal impact on the production chain of the agricultural sector and biodiversity conservation, “as well as on the agricultural policies that the Cabildo develops, hence the need to lay the foundations of a continuous and lasting project that contributes to guaranteeing the future and sustainability of this traditional activity”.
The program, which is aligned with the national and European strategy for the protection of pollinating and honey species, collects more than 40 performances, among which the promotion of integrated pest management and the development of a manual of good practices in agriculture to avoid and reduce the use of pesticides harmful to domestic and wild pollinators stand out.
The island official also highlighted the need to identify important habitats for pollinators (in order to establish measures for their conservation), to apply a monitoring program, to promote the planting of attractive plant species for pollinators (rich in pollen or nectar), and native seeds of ecologically appropriate varieties adapted to the area.
The strategy also includes the preparation of a guide for the conservation of pollinators and their habitats in urban and peri-urban areas, the organization of fairs and congresses linked to the beekeeping sector, and the implementation of actions and business and entrepreneurship training sessions. .
As far as knowledge is concerned, the objective is to promote research lines and projects that determine the causes of the decline of pollinators (which will make it possible to define more effective conservation measures), as well as to guarantee citizens access to information on the importance of pollinators, their status and the measures undertaken for their conservation.
The Beekeeping Board of Tenerife is a body that brings together the main representatives of the honey sector of the island to study and plan the proposals and measures of each year.
The meeting was attended by Apiten, ADS Abecan, Abecan, Canarian Beekeeping Association, Foapi Canarias, Valle De Güímar Beekeeping ADS, Isora Beekeepers Association and Apiteide.
In 2020, the Cabildo reactivated the aid for the complementary feeding of bees, tripling its budget compared to 2018, when the first and only call was made, going from 45,000 to 150,000 euros in 2020.
Similarly, in just two years the production of honey with denomination of origin has increased by 76 percent, reaching 22,554 kilos registered in 2021, and the number of hives has gone from 15,705 in 2019 to 16,283 in 2022.
“Figures that confirm the gradual recovery of the sector and the need to continue promoting measures that contribute to its development and consolidation,” Javier Parrilla said.
Currently, work is also being done on the creation of an organic packaging and extraction line at the Casa de la Miel, which will benefit both the level of production and the health guarantee of the products.
Since 2012, the island has the Tenerife Honey Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) in which 14 varieties are registered (13 monofloral honeys and one multifloral).
In January 2014, the European Commission approved its registration in the Register of Protected Designations of Origin and Protected Geographical Indications Miel de Tenerife (PDO), for which it was valid throughout the community territory.