63% of the social and health places in the Canary Islands are privately owned. Seven Taifa kingdoms. Thus, the model can be described nursing homes in Canary Islands where each Island has its own distribution of places between public and private. Yes ok 61% of the 136 socio-health centers in the Archipelago are privately owned there are islands with a higher percentage, as is the case of Tenerife where 85% of residences are privately owned compared to 53% in Gran Canaria. Fuerteventura and La Gomera are at the other extreme with 100% of their residences being publicly owned.
This difference is also reflected in the data by provinces. While Las Palmas has 42 centres, 50% privately owned and 50% public, in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife the situation is in 66% of private centers compared to 33% public.
In total, the Canary Islands have 8,288 residential places that accommodate 7,218 residents, according to data from Center Inspection and Records Service of the Ministry of Social Rights, Equality, Diversity and Youth of the Government of the Canary Islands. The 63% of the total places are private and the number of residents in these is almost double that of those in public centers (4,535 compared to 2,683). 13% of the total vacancies are currently unfilled.
Is disparity between public and private is accentuated relative to residences for people with disabilities with 84% of the 117 centers in the Canary Islands being privately owned. This means that 65% of the 2,217 existing places are private and 65% of residents are in this type of center.
new infrastructures
To alleviate this situation, the Department of Social Rights, Equality, Diversity and Youth of the Government of the Canary Islands is running, until next year, the II Social and Health Infrastructure Plan with a global investment of 262,977,935 euros, of which the The Government of the Canary Islands contributes 161,150,000 euros, and the Cabildos, 101,827,935 euros.
Consider the creation of new social and health care centers and the improvement of existing resourceswith the enlargement and increase to a total of 5,466 new service placesboth in residential resources and in day centers for the elderly and people with disabilities.
By islands, in Tenerife the plan contemplates the creation of 2,655 beds, of which 2,188 are residential and 482 are day stays. In Gran Canaria will have 1,453 more places 881 in residential centers and 572 day stays, in Lanzarote will be 180 with the creation of a new social health center in Teguise, with 130 residential beds and 50 day beds, in Fuerteventura will be 350, of which 250 will be residential and 100 in day centers, in La Palma 496356 residential and 140 day stays, in La Gomera 185of which 150 correspond to the construction of a new social health center and 35 in day centers, and in The Iron 147 newof which 113 are residential and 34 are day stays.
Canary Islands Take Care of You
To this is added the Canary Islands Strategic Plan Takes Care of You with which it is sought to give solution to the approximately 9,000 people currently waiting for a place social health in the islands. The measures include a commitment to provide the Archipelago with more public residences and with less capacity of seats until reaching a total of 1,500 public beds.
Until 2023 the Islands foresee the creation of 5,466 residential places and in day centers
This answer would go hand in hand with a reinforcement of telecare, home help and the promotion of personal autonomyas stated in the agreement to improve the quality of residences and the Dependency Care System approved at the end of June by the Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda and the autonomous communities.
A plan by which residences for the elderly and residences for people with disabilities will undergo a total transformation and which is committed to bringing care to citizens, beyond residential places.
«We continue betting on alternatives to the usual residences. On the one hand, the entire infrastructure plan that we are carrying out with the construction of more than 1,400 social and health places It has been done following a people-centered care model. We have already anticipated this decree and we are building residences that will allow there to be mini-residences inside with a maximum of 15 places and that the feeling of the users be therefore that they are in a home and not a macrocenter. We have made a clear commitment to home help by launching in 2021 the first insular home help service which is already serving the people of Gran Canaria who prefer to stay at home”, explains Isabel Mena, Minister of Social Policy and Accessibility of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria.
The Canary Islands have 8,288 residential places that welcome 7,218 residents
This is the script being developed by the rest of the Cabildos implementing a renewal of care materializing, before its approval, the changes agreed in said agreement.
Bet on other types of benefits and services beyond the macro residences that had been promoted until now in the care policy.
The investment plans to increase the number of places and social health centers in the Canary Islands, respond to a structural deficit that places the Archipelago at the bottom in the number of public places in relation to the elderly and dependent population who would opt for one of them.
Thus, the last report of the State Association of Directors and Managers of Social ServicesCanary Islands presents a deficit of 8,075 places in nursing homes to reach the ratio of 5 for every 100 people over 65 years of age and only 41.5% have public financing.
For example, only in the case of Gran Canaria there are a thousand people on the waiting list for a residential square. “That’s why we are building new residences to be able to respond to all those people who are on the waiting list. The time they wait is not linear, it fluctuates depending on the circumstances and the seriousness of each case”, explains Mena.
The islands are situated as the fifth autonomous community with the greatest deficit of places behind Andalusia, Valencia, Galicia and Catalonia. The national coverage ratio for every 100 people over 65 years of age falls from 4.22 to 4.19 in one year.
Missing in 75,699 residential places in Spain to reach the ratio of 5 per 100 inhabitants over 65 years of age, established by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The autonomous communities with the greatest coverage of public financing places are Castilla y León and Castilla-La Mancha, followed by Aragón and Extremadura. Canary Islands and Murcia, which do not reach 1.5%, have fewer places of public financing. Madrid is the only Community where exclusively private places have a greater coverage (2.5%) than those with public financing (1.86%).
Average cost
The council is preparing a study to find out the average cost of each of the places residences in public centers. In the case of private the average cost of a place in a socio-health center is 1,680.67 euros per monthaccording to the latest report from the specialized portal Inforesidencias.com, compared to the 1,830 euros national average. Still the price varies depending on the residence in question reaching up to 2,200 euros for a place, according to this same study. A price that is not within the reach of all pockets of Canarian citizens.