Carlos Sainz Jr., Charles Czech Y Antonio Lobato will be next Tuesday July 19 at the presentation of the Tenerife Motor Circuit in the Adam Martin Auditorium. This was the announcement made by the journalist himself on his SoyMotor Twitch channel: “Before the French Formula 1 Grand Prix I will go to the Canary Islands, to Tenerife, to act as master of ceremonies for the presentation of the Tenerife Motor Circuit, It will be at the Tenerife Auditorium and there will be great surprises: Carlos Sainz Jr and Carlos Checha, among others, will also be there,” he said.
Lobato affirmed that he has been “for the last 15 years dedicated to Formula 1” and “I am here to make a confession and an announcement”, said the popular sportscaster.
“The confession is that thanks to my work I have been able to travel to many places in the world and in Spain and that has allowed me to meet other crazy people like me who live this poison of competition in the motor world very passionately. There is a place in Spain that whenever I have traveled there has surprised me because of how committed they are to this world of competition and the motor world and that place is the Canary Islands”, says Lobato, who adds that “now is the time for ad”.
“Next July 19 I am going to be at the Tenerife Auditorium because something very big is going to be done there: a dream presentation is going to be made and it will soon be a reality: the Tenerife Motor Circuit and Be careful, I’m not going to be alone; there are going to be very important people who are going to accompany this project and who are going to be part of this dream, enough to miss it”. The journalist points out that it will be Carlos Sainz Jr and Carlos Checa who will also be at this important event for motor lovers in Tenerife, the Canary Islands and Spain.
The starting time of the aforementioned presentation will be, according to the invitations that have already been sent, at 7:00 p.m. in the Symphony Hall.