The central government has approved the distribution of 796,641.61 euros to the Canary Islands for the promotion of equality for women in sports and the inclusion of people with disabilities in the matter, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan .
The community will receive 618,621.14 euros this year and another 178,020.47 euros in 2023.
The Minister of Culture and Sports, Miquel Iceta, accompanied by the president of the Higher Sports Council (CSD), José Manuel Franco, chaired the Sports Sector Conference on Tuesday to approve the territorial distribution and the distribution criteria between the communities and autonomous cities of 17.9 million euros to promote equality and inclusion in sport.
The meeting, which took place at the CSD headquarters, has allowed Minister Iceta to specify to the regional councilors the objectives, distribution criteria and amounts of the new item, framed in Component 26 ‘Sport Sector Promotion Plan’ of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
Specifically, the new item is included in the Social Plan for Sport, one of its three lines of action, to which more than 77 million euros will be allocated in the coming years.
As he explained, this new line of aid -previously approved by the Sectoral Commission and by the Council of Ministers– has as its objective that the CCAA implement strategies and actions to reduce inequalities in sport, with special attention to gender equality and the inclusion of people with disabilities.
In this way, it is intended to advance in opportunities, social cohesion and labor improvements in the sector with a vocation for permanence, from attracting talent to the integration of groups at risk of exclusion through sport.
As Minister Iceta has highlighted, “sport is, without a doubt, the engine and catalyst for equality and inclusion in society” but “not only good intentions are enough, but resources, strategies and concrete steps are needed to promote it “.
The distribution between the communities will be proportional, based on criteria that will take into account the total population, the number of people with disabilities, non-university educational centers, the regional federations or population density.
With the item approved this Tuesday at the Sectorial Conference, the CSD has already territorialized almost 102 million euros between the autonomous communities and cities, of the total of 300 million contemplated in the Plan for the Promotion of the Sports Sector.
By axes, 75 million euros (out of a total of 146 million) have been allocated to the modernization and ecological transition of sports facilities; 9 million (of a total of 75.6) to the digitization of the sports ecosystem and 17.9 million (of a total of 77.9) to the promotion of equality and social cohesion in the sports sector.