The Tax Agency has returned 325.25 million euros to 536,611 taxpayers in the Canary Islands at the end of the 2021 Personal Income Tax campaign (IRPF 2021), so that, as of today, 79.45% of the refunds requested in number and 69.95% in amount have already been paid.
By provinces, in Las Palmas, 173.19 million have been paid to 282,739 people, compared to the 152.05 million returned to 253,872 taxpayers in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
While, in the set of Spain, 7,293 million euros have been received by 11,177,000 taxpayers, which represents 80.8% of the refunds requested in number and 71.7% of the amount.
As reported by the Tax Agency through a statement, to date, compared to a decrease in filings with a refund request of 2.2% in number and 4.2% in amount, refunds paid have decreased less measure (1.1% in number and 1.3% in amount).
As planned, the Agency has received a somewhat higher number of declarations this year (+1.9%), reaching the figure of 22,033,000, although, and in line with the latest estimates, declarations with a balance to be deposited grew considerably, while those with a result to be returned decreased.
At the end of the campaign, 62.8% of the declarations have been submitted with a refund request, exceeding the figure of 13,833,000, while 6,656,000 have given a result to enter (+10.5%).
Parallel to the Income Campaign, the one corresponding to the Wealth Tax has also been developed, which should be declared by those taxpayers with a quota to pay (after applying the corresponding deductions and discounts), and also those with a quota to pay that last year they had assets and rights worth more than two million euros. At the end of the campaign, more than 230,500 Wealth declarations have been registered and the amount to be deposited reaches 1,328 million euros.
35,200 income tax returns include operations with cryptocurrencies
One of the novelties of the campaign is the incorporation of specific sections for the declaration of virtual currencies, both in Income and in Equity, which allows offering specific data on the volume and amounts declared.
in this campaign almost 35,200 income tax returns have included profits derived from operations with virtual currenciesfor an amount of more than 759 million euros, while in the Wealth Tax 1,275 filers of this tax have incorporated a total of 911.9 million euros into their declaration as the balance of their cryptocurrency portfolios at the end of the year .
It should be remembered that the large volume of notices sent by the Tax Agency this year in the tax data does not necessarily correspond to taxpayers who have carried out transactions, but are based on information on the possession and ownership of cryptocurrencies.
Specifically, the Tax Agency made 233,000 notices to taxpayers who have operated with cryptocurrencies within the framework of the 2021 Income Campaign, compared to 14,800 the previous year.
The level of presentation in offices grows
Once again this year, the Tax Agency designed a reinforced plan for telephone assistance in filing, the ‘We Call You’ plan, to meet the needs of taxpayers without having to wait for the opening of assistance in offices and, in any case, also to avoid unnecessary travel, especially taking into account the persistence of certain capacity limitations and safety distance requirements derived from the health situation.
At the end of the campaign, ‘Le Llamamos’ is consolidated this year as the main non-face-to-face alternative to the Agency’s website to present the declaration. This filing method has been used by 1,076,000 taxpayers, 6.6% less than last year, when a record number of filings was set by this method. In any case, the declarations presented through the ‘We Call You’ plan in this campaign account for 62.4% of all the presentations with personalized assistance.
On the other hand, the level of presentation in the branches has increased significantly, with more than 648,000 declarations, 23.1% more, in a context of improvement in the health situation.
Most taxpayers file online
In any case, the vast majority of taxpayers continue to file their returns online. This year, 20,307,000 returns have been filed online, 92.2% of the total, of which 19,882,000 were filed through the Agency’s website, 1.8% more than a year ago.
The rest of online tax returns correspond to the 424,700 filed through the Agency’s mobile application, 3.2% more than the previous year. Of these, more than 301,000 correspond to ‘one-click’ presentations, 8.6% more, and the rest are contributors that the application has referred to the web to make some modification and have returned to the ‘app ‘ to end the presentation.
The income ‘Informador’ will continue to operate all year
The main novelty of this year’s Income campaign has been the launch of a renewed and expanded version of the Income ‘Informer’ and the creation of another specific one on economic activities.
As the Tax Agency has advanced, this tool, a comprehensive online assistance service with more than 800 answers to the most outstanding doubts of the entire tax, will continue to be available on the Agency’s website for doubts that may arise for taxpayers in the next months.
As a reinforcement of assistance, the different information blocks are connected to a chat attended by specialists from the Comprehensive Digital Administration (ADI) for issues that remain to be resolved. The assistance of the ADI, which will continue to be active after the campaign, has translated into more than 4,000 hours of personalized attention to the taxpayer.
This help for the resolution of tax doubts is added to that provided through the traditional telephone channel for the resolution of tax doubts, which during the campaign has answered more than 2,200,000 calls from different taxpayer profiles.