The Cabildo de Tenerife admits a “very serious infringement” of the macroproject in Puertito de Adeje, which already had two unfavorable reports

The president of the Cabildo de Tenerife, the socialist Pedro Martín, recognized this Wednesday that the Cuna del Alma urban project that is going to be developed in the Port of Adeje has committed a “very serious offence” breaching the protection of archaeological remainsaccording to a report from the Territorial Planning and Historical Heritage Directorate.

Puertito de Adeje: the works of the Cuna del Alma tourism macroproject destroyed archaeological remains

Puertito de Adeje: the works of the Cuna del Alma tourism macroproject destroyed archaeological remains

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In statements to journalists, however, he has said, however, that it is “disproportionate” to blame the Adeje City Council, governed since 1987 by the also socialist Jose Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, for the infraction committed by the company on a “very large” plot and indicated that the consistory has collected all the documentation in a process of “many years”.

However, as Canarias Now has learned thanks to information shared by United We Can Adeje, the municipality lacks the municipal archaeological and ethnographic charter, required in the repealed Law of Historical Heritage of the Canary Islands. Nor was anything done on this matter after the Canary Islands Cultural Heritage Law was approved in 2019. The new regulations require the preparation of a municipal Catalog of cultural heritage assets, giving a period of three years for its drafting. This deadline, which was fulfilled on June 13, motivated Podemos to present, in the May plenary session, an urgent motion, but it was rejected by the government group (PSOE).

It should be remembered that Cradle of the Soul is a tourism macroproject which aims to develop a ravine and a beach in the south of the island together with two protected areas, one land and one sea, and plans to develop some 430,000 square meters with more than 400 luxury villas, hotels, restaurants, swimming pools, beach clubs, spa, and other infrastructure such as a vegetable garden whose extension (20,000 square meters) invades part of the Adeje Protected Nature Reserve Site of Scientific Interest, according to the project plans published by the promoters, two Belgian investment families (Vandermarliere and Van Biervliet ) with “a strong portfolio of real estate projects, both in Belgium and internationally”, the group highlighted the day the start of the works was staged (although the works had already been running for some time).

Two unfavorable reports

According to United We Can Adeje, the Cabildo was already aware of the situation of Puertito since 2014. In fact, in a statement they point out that there is an unfavorable report in the Administrative Service of Historical Heritage of the insular institution, issued on the 18th of November 2014, on the occasion of the submission of the Initial Approval Document of the Specific Modification No. 3 of the PGO of Adeje (Scope of Sector S06 Puertito de Adeje), having revealed the impossibility of issuing the report due to not having the corresponding archaeological study.

There is also a second unfavorable report, dated May 12, 2017, which states: “Consequently, the Document presented is reported unfavorably, as there is no guarantee that adequate protection measures will be adopted with respect to to the patrimonial assets that, eventually, are located in the reference area”

Contrasting the information by the party in the corresponding administrative file, it is verified that the project did not have a technical report from the Historical Heritage Administrative Service of the Cabildo. In addition, Podemos criticizes, the earthworks began without the supervision of the archaeologist.

In conclusion, they note in the statement, “the Adeje City Council was allowed to start the works without the Council’s Heritage Service being able to identify the affected heritage elements and that the measures proposed for their protection could be assessed.” In addition, the earthworks began without the supervision of the archaeologist and “the lack of a municipal catalog of cultural heritage assets causes legal uncertainty in the defense of heritage.”

From a tosca tank to archaeological remains

He pointed out that the Cabildo intervened in the area “immediately” as a result of a complaint from a group communicated by whatsapp and it was found that “a document was missing” in the corporation -specifically a patrimonial study- and that the protection in a parcel that represents 2% of the total area of ​​the project.

Martín has indicated that “as it is serious” now “the Government of the Canary Islands must intervene”, which will have to set new demands and corrective measures for the promoters.

The president has highlighted that there has been a “significant deterioration” in the area given that they are considered historical remains “from a tank of tosca blocks to any archaeological remains”, underlining the “speed and rigor” with which the technicians have worked of the Cabildo “so that it is a neat file”.

Likewise, he has pointed out that they are available for any new request that may be made on environmental and heritage issues. “We will enter whenever necessary and now it is being evaluated by the Government”, he has indicated.

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