The Classrooms+Sustainable program, promoted by the area of Sustainable Development and Fight against Climate Change of Council of Tenerife, promotes greater involvement and awareness work in terms of good sustainable practices. To do this, it promoted actions in more than 110 classes in 66 educational centers on the island, with the participation of 3,500 Primary and Secondary students. This edition culminated with the Somos+Sostenibles contest, whose prizes were awarded by the area’s insular counselor, Javier Rodríguez Medina.
He thanked the involvement and motivation of the schools participating in this event, whose purpose is to make visible the good practices and awareness actions carried out in the center to promote sustainability. The councilor pointed out that “we will only be able to achieve sustainable development and win this fight against climate change by making visible and supporting the ideas that we are rewarding today, ideas that come from and are put into practice by members of this highly prepared and aware youth that is an example to follow.” by society.”
The first Primary prize went to CEIP La Era, for its work Do it NOW! (Do it, now!), and the second went to the Colegio Salesiano San Isidro, for its project A por un cole, un cole more sustainable. The IES Professor Martín Miranda, for Our Eco-IES was the winner of the first prize for Secondary, and the IES Sabino Berthelot obtained the second prize, with InfoRecicla.
They also received a mention and rewardfor their participation and involvement, the IES San Matías, with No se Habla de un uso, and the Colegio Virgen del Mar, for Seamos + Sostenibles.
The event took place in the assembly hall of the Torre Azul, in the Santiago Martín Pavilion, and was attended by teachers and students from the participating schools, from the 4th grade of Primary and 2nd of Secondary, who presented original audiovisuals and very creative, full of ideas and messages of awareness, with magnificent and elaborate staging, in reportage, song or informative format, according to the Sustainable Development and Fight against Climate Change area.
The contest Somos+Sostenibles is part of the educational program Aulas+Sustainables, promoted and coordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of the Cabildo and developed by the Insular Society for the Promotion of Persons with Disabilities.