The lagoon recovers this Sunday, June 19, the celebration of the Corpus Christi in the streets of the city, which will display more than 40 rugs made mostly with natural elements. The City Council of La Laguna actively collaborates with this festivity, giving support to the various groups that participate in the making of the traditional carpets and the decoration of the streets through which the procession of the Blessed Sacrament will take place.
The mayor of La Laguna, Luis Yeray Gutiérrez, underlined “the City Council’s commitment to recover pre-pandemic normality also in the field of festive traditions”, and highlighted “the work of the groups that have been involved with such an important and deep-rooted celebration in La Laguna, despite the short time that has been had since the restrictions were lifted.
The Councilor for Festivities, Badel Albelo, explained that they have been working “with all the groups to make it as easy as possible for them to make the rugs.” In this sense, he pointed out that throughout this week the material is being prepared in the warehouse of the Festival Department in Los Baldíos, according to the demands of the carpet artists themselves.
Among the elements are roasted heather and natural heather, dates and other plant motifs, “in this transition we want to promote towards the full use of natural means, although artificial elements such as marble will still be used, although to a much lesser extent. The bet is to work with natural elements and also involve the groups in this sense, “said the mayor.
The councilor also highlighted the ten tons of volcanic ash from the recent eruption of La Palma, which “while enriching the variety of natural materials in our Corpus, is a more than deserved tribute to the people of La Palma.”
All this material is being stored on pallets for each of the groups and on Saturday they will be transferred to the site of the old Market, next to the Plaza del Adelantado. “In this way, the people who participate in the making of the rugs will not have to travel to Los Baldíos, but will instead have a nearby and more comfortable point to collect the material and from there transport it to the areas designated for each of the rugs. ”, explained the councilman.
Badel Albelo thanked the Municipal Services area and its councilor, Josimar Hernández, “the help given to carry out a festival as deeply rooted as Corpus Christi.” On the other hand, he recalled that the catering establishments located in the streets through which the procession passes, will not be able to place their terraces to be able to make the carpets.
Likewise, the processional route undergoes a modification with respect to the usual layout, due to the cut of San Agustín street. Thus, it is planned that after the celebration of the Eucharist, at 5:00 p.m. in the Cathedral, the procession will leave the temple and go through the streets of Obispo Rey Redondo, Antonio Zerolo, Herradores, Viana and again Obispo Rey Redondo to return to the point of departure.