The president of the Popular Party of the Canary Islands, Manuel Domínguez, has warned that the Islands “are defenseless against the submissive Government of Ángel Víctor Torres, whom he has accused of being “incapable” of “raising his voice when the central Executive attacks to the interests of the canaries”.
For this reason, Manuel Domínguez has brought together the national deputies and popular senators today in Tenerife with the aim of coordinating their actions to “defend the REF and the economic jurisdiction of the Islands in the General Courts and intensify activity in everything related to the foreign policy of the Government of Sánchez and its consequences for the Archipelago”.
Domínguez understands that it is essential to update, promote and protect the economic jurisdiction of the Canary Islands, “a task that does not seem to be important for Torres and his Government and, much less, for Pedro Sánchez.”
The popular leader recalls that the Canary Islands PP has adhered to the REF defense document sponsored, among others, by the colleges of economists and tax advisors, and that this text highlights, above all, the current legal insecurity in tax matters in the Islands, “which is causing the REF not to be as attractive as it should be, as evidenced, for example, by the figure that only 0.3% of foreign investments in Spain come to the Canary Islands”.
Domínguez also believes that there is a need for the REF to be adapted to the new reality that has emerged after COVID, the war in Ukraine or the eruption of La Palma and that this update, which “neither arrives nor is expected, is essential in the face of the inaction of the Government of the Canary Islands and the attacks that the Sánchez Executive makes against our REF”.
Another of the issues that the Canarian representatives of the PP in the Cortes Generales will also emphasize in the coming weeks is “the drift in which the foreign policy of the Government of Pedro Sánchez has sunk and that has important consequences for the Archipelago” .
Thus, Domínguez conveyed that it is necessary to increase the battery of questions, interpellations, requests for information and proposals in Congress and the Senate related to issues such as relations with Morocco and Algeria, the negotiation regarding territorial waters or the future of the Sahara. .
The president of the popular party insisted that “this government’s foreign policy lacks direction and wisdom and, as in the case of the REF, we are witnessing the indolence of Ángel Víctor Torres and his executive.” “Sánchez cannot continue to turn his back on the Canary Islands, treating us as a second-class territory. We are the southern border of the European Union, the territory that is most affected by the destabilization that it has caused in the Sahara and those who bear the greatest migratory pressure and, however, we are mere spectators of a process that can have serious consequences for our future”, commented Manuel Domínguez.