The young farmer from Tejina Sergio Rodriguez has recorded a video with which he tries to help farmers of Tenerife and of Canary Islands in view of the sad situation they are going throughas many of them are being forced to slaughter their animals due to the shortage of feed and fodder with which to feed themwhich has made cattle feed prices rise.
Many are those who have been forced to remove part of their cabin taking them to the slaughterhouse due to the impossibility of maintaining them. For this reason, Sergio Rodríguez, who already last year made an appeal to be able to sell its 8,000 kilos of watermelons Since he had difficulties getting them to the market dominated by the peninsular and Moroccan watermelon, he now returns to help his fellow farmers.
In the video he states that he wants “help many people”. “You don’t hear anything about how the livestock sector is doing in Tenerife and the Canary Islands. Livestock farming is fatal, pigs, goats and cows are being taken to the slaughterhouse because there isn’t enough to feed them; it’s not that the livestock companies don’t make a profit, it’s not enough to feed them,” explains Rodríguez.
The tejinero farmer launches the following initiative for all those who now have to give a gift: “If you were thinking of giving a shirt, a medal or anything, change your mind and give a cheese”. “We are going to make this go viral to help those who helped us with their work during the pandemic, who did not lack food.”
It also intends to launch a message: “That you can live with dignity from livestock in the Canary Islands.” He also assures that with this action of giving a cheese, people give for two: “for the person who receives the cheese and for the farmer”