Agents of the National Police have stopped in Tenerife to a 44-year-old man for the alleged authorship of a crime of robbery with force in things. The detainee, owner of a bar, denounced a robbery with force in his establishment that, presumably, he had committed.
At the end of May, the owner of a bar in the Santa Cruz neighborhood of Saint Mary of the Sea He reported having been the victim of a robbery with force in the establishment he ran.
After the weekend, when he went to open, found the padlocks on the closing shutter of the bar cut. Once inside, he found the slot machine and the cash register violated without, on the other hand, there being any other damage to the premises.
The result of the proceedings carried out indicated that the complainant himself was the one who had committed the robbery with force in things, to seize the 1,800 euros from the slot machine.
Among other things, the technical report of the machine indicated that the events had been committed at a different time than the one initially indicated by the whistleblowerwhen he was present in the establishment.
When considering the alleged perpetrator of the robbery with force that he himself had denouncedinvestigators arrested the bar owner days after his initial complaint.
The facts were brought to the attention of the competent judicial authority.
The actions were carried out by national police of the North District Police Station of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.