«It has been a good game, played and competed, with options for both and with a lot of tension; we have managed to score a goal that gives us an advantage, but there are 90 minutes left in which we will have to work very well; the tie is still balanced ». That was the summary of Luis Miguel Ramis at the beginning of his appearance in the press room after yesterday’s game, to also admit that “the result at half-time was fair” before a second half in which “each one has tried to do things well so as not to make mistakes”. “We were well organized and following the plan that had to be drawn up,” he congratulated himself.
Ramis also insisted that “everything starts from scratch on Saturday” and that “only the first 90 minutes have been consumed.” “The two teams will have moments and the one that is more successful will move forward,” he commented, before resulting in the fact that “it will be necessary to make a great effort and improve certain situations to pass the tie”, to the point of considering the words “logical” by Jonathan Viera, who imagines “a very different party”. The Catalan, who continues to give UD the role of favourite, will not propose a certain match “based on the result” of the first leg. «What we want is not to concede goals and make them; and that is what we will try to do », he commented.
Valles Aggression
The coach from Tenerife spoke about Valles’s possible attack on Andrés Martín. «From the bench it seemed like aggression; It is not a penalty, but he has to expel him. It is a very clear red, but the tension of the game makes me not want to make those decisions; with the regulation in hand it is red », he argued. In addition, Ramis acknowledged being “very proud of the fans.” “I haven’t seen this stadium like this for many years, and that is a satisfaction for a daily job of many hours for wanting to offer them the best,” he said.