The Insular Foundation for Training, Employment and Business Development (Fifede) has opened the call for the Ellas 2022 awards for equality in employment, which recognize the work of people and companies committed to eradicating inequalities between women and men in the workplace.
The island councilor for Employment, Socioeconomic Development and Foreign Action, Carmen Luz Baso, assures that this initiative “seeks to make visible and recognize the work of those entities, administrations and people who have stood out in the defense of equality between men and women.” In addition, it is that these actions “can serve as an example for society as a whole.”
The deadline for submitting applications will remain open until June 24 and the bases are now available on the Foundation’s website (
On this occasion, two modalities have been convened: individual and business-conciliation. In the case of the individual, people who have stood out in the defense of women’s rights in any field, as well as in the eradication of inequalities between women and men in the workplace, will be eligible for recognition.
In the business-conciliation modality, those companies that have implemented measures to facilitate the reconciliation of work and family life of their staff will be rewarded.
Some of the awardees
In previous editions, the awards for equality in employment promoted by the Cabildo through Fifede have recognized companies, individuals and entities such as Cristina Almeida, Ana Hernández, María Ferraz, the Disa Group, the La Fast cooperative, the Volleyball Club Arona Tenerife Sur, the IES Las Indias, the Provincial Federation of Metal and New Technology Companies of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Femete), the Pharmaceutical Cooperative of Tenerife (Cofarte), the Port Authority of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and the Family Association Single parents of the Canary Islands.