The Ministry of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands maintains six confirmed cases of monkeypox in the archipelago –three in Gran Canaria and three in Tenerife–, after two negative cases were reported this Friday and four under study for possible diagnosis of the virus.
These four new cases for study have been notified to the Coordinating Center for Alerts and Emergencies of the Ministry of Health and they correspond to two men, classified as probable cases, and two women, as suspected cases, all having a favorable evolution.
The samples of these four cases have been sent for study to the National Center for Microbiology. Of the four new cases, one was detected in Tenerife and the other three in Gran Canaria, as reported by the regional government in a press release.
Thus, there are currently a total of seven probable cases pending confirmation –six in Gran Canaria and one in Tenerife–; five are suspects pending confirmation –all in Gran Canaria–; and three cases have been ruled out –one in Fuerteventura and two in Gran Canaria–.
The protocol The Ministry of Health classifies cases between probable and suspected depending on whether the patient meets clinical criteria and epidemiological criteria (probable cases) or if they only present clinical criteria, which is then considered a suspected case.
CALL 012
On the other hand, the Ministry of Health reminds that people who present symptoms compatible with a diagnosis of monkey pox they must call 012 (928 301 012 or 922 470 012) where they will be informed of what they have to do, as well as the assistance resource to which they can go.
This service, they indicate, is in operation 24 hours a day every day of the year.
Regarding the described symptoms they usually include fever, headache, muscle aches, lymphadenopathy and fatigue. He adds that between one and five days after the onset of fever a rash develops, often starting on the face and then spreading to other parts of the body, although it tends to be more concentrated on the face and extremities than on the body. the log. Symptoms usually last two to four weeks.
The General Directorate of Public Health will update the registry data of confirmed cases or cases under study for monkeypox next Tuesday, May 31.