Many are the experts who warn with special frequency of the dangers that lurk on the internet.
In this expansive virtual world, hundreds of users take advantage of the comfort of anonymity to make countless practices of the most reprehensible: scams, tricks, identity theft… and so on a long list of situations that leave the victims in a situation of extreme vulnerability.
This is what has happened to a well-known Canarian ‘tiktoker’, Daniel Barrerawho wanted to share with his more than 14,000 followers of this social network an experience thatwith total security, will never forget.
The young Canary has shared in TikTok a video in which he tells a virtual love story which, sadly, has turned out for him in the worst possible way. Barrera has had to face a unexpected and sad outcome that has become viral within hours of posting it.
What Barrera himself has shared in this communication channel, Daniel had three years talking to an American user through social networks and, when he thought it was convenient, he took a plane and has flown 6,000 kilometers to meet the boy with whom he has been chatting for all that time.
However, when the Canarian content creator arrived in Orlando (United States), the place where the meeting was to take place, the boy I was talking to never showed up and, immediately afterwards, I blocked him from all the social networks through which they were maintaining contact.
#QueJartoRisa: Why do you think Dani Barrera’s alleged virtual suitor didn’t appear?
To round off this story, Dani Barrera has chosen to give it a touch of humor to their situation and has shared this experience in their profiles, accumulating more than 150 thousand ‘likes’ and more than 1,000 comments.