The Association of People with and without Disabilities We want to move denounced this Thursday through its social networks the removal of the horizontal road marking that marked a square intended for people with reduced mobility (PRM) in front of the Adeslas medical center in Santa Cruzleaving, however, the vertical sign, a modification that the group described from the outset as “a scoundrel” in a tweet in which it quoted the Councilor for Citizen Security and Mobility of the Capital City Council, Evelyn Alonso.
Almost 24 hours later, another user of the social network @luisen72 responded to the tweet of We Want to Move with another photograph, under the word “Victoria”, in which the aforementioned horizontal road marking was once again visible just a few meters from the sidewalk, once again complying with the parameters established in the accessibility regulations.
The Order TMA/851/2021of July 23, which develops the technical document of basic conditions of accessibility and non-discrimination for the access and use of urbanized public spaces establishes, in its article 35, that “the parking spaces will be marked horizontally and vertically with the symbol of accessibility for mobility, complying with the provisions of article 43″.
“The City Council of Santa Cruz does not meet the number of PRM places”
We want to move took advantage of this ‘slip’ to state that “the Santa Cruz City Council does not comply with the number of parking spaces reserved for people with reduced mobility. The breach of the Royal Decree is evident and can be verified by taking a walk through the city”.
“But even so they remove spaces from “ours”, to transform them into parking spaces for scooters. They thus demonstrate that sensitivity does not mark their actions and they must believe they have a license to violate current legislation, ”continues the group in a statement.
“That the council should be called CITIZEN INSECURITY is clear. That those who run it do not work for the citizens is evident. That they continually fail to tell the truth is collected in the island’s media library. That the lack of rigor and inefficiency defines them is not questioned, as long as they themselves have left a record. That with this issue they harm citizens in general and in particular all those who have mobility difficulties, it is palpable”, criticizes We Want to Move.