The CC-PNC group of the Cabildo regrets that the loss of four blue flags on the beaches of Tenerife generate “a bad image of the Island”. The nationalist counselor, Diana Mora, points out that “it is bad news” to lose those of Troya and La Enramada, in Adeje, and those of San Telmo and Playa Jardín, in Puerto de la Cruz “because they do not meet the requirements of excellence” .
Mora explains that last year there were 16 beaches in Tenerife with blue flags, «but the lack of management of the PSOE and the apathy have caused them to be lost. We try to recover the rhythm of tourists and this does not help against our competitors ». The nationalist counselor criticizes the lack of involvement of the Cabildo in this regard and points out that “these things must be supervised. We cannot allow the symbols that define us as a quality destination to be lost.”
Mora recalls that the regeneration of the beaches of Martiánez (Puerto de la Cruz) and Los Tarajales (Arona) has been delayed “because the environmental impact statements expired without the municipalities, governed by the PSOE, or the Cabildo, doing anything ».
The blue flags recognize those beaches and marinas that meet the criteria of excellence in the quality of bathing water, comply with environmental regulations, and have adequate health and safety infrastructure. In addition to the loss of the four blue flags mentioned, Tenerife lost the one that had the Los Gigantes marina (Santiago del Teide).