The Tacoronte City Hallvia the Department of Works and Services, will carry out this summer a project that includes the exterior painting of all the schools in the municipality, as well as four other public centers, whose budget amounts to 762,435 euros. The initiative, which was presented by the Government Group (NC, PSOE and SSP) in the last municipal plenary session, it had the unanimous support of all the parties.
Tacorontero mayor, Jose Daniel Diaz Armasand the councilor for Works and Services, Antonio Gil Goyathanked the support of the Municipal Corporation because “it allows us to remedy decades of neglect and general lack of maintenance in these important public infrastructures.”
The exterior painting project of these properties divided into two lots, one with a total cost of 383,176 euros for five municipal infrastructures, and a second lot, whose cost is 379,259 euros, which provides for actions in four schools.
The first batch includes Maria Rosa Alonso Schoolwith a partial cost of 99,624 euros; Emeterio Gutierrez Arbelo Schoolwith 93,226 euros; the Orange Light Centerwith 40,900 euros; the Acentejo Senior Centerwith 24,040 euros, and La Bombillita Feliz Nursery Schoolwith 28,724 euros.
The second batch refers to Downtown Guayongewith a budget of 56,529 euros, and to schools Ernesto Castro Farinaat a cost of 102,950 euros; Maximilian Gilwith 86,601 euros, and San Juan Peraleswith 37,434 euros.
Antonio Gil Goya He stressed that “after almost 30 years without any action being taken in this area, we have decided to commission a study to establish the needs in schools and public buildings.” Work will begin next summer and it will be “a project with which the City Council will be able to remedy decades of neglect and lack of maintenance in these buildings.”