The Canarian Foundation Carrera por la Vida has launched a new solidarity project with the acquisition of more than 200 scarves for people who are fighting cancer and who have lost their hair due to treatment for the disease.
The initiative, which has the collaboration of the La Caixa Foundation, is aimed at women, men and children and will make it possible to minimize the effect of hair loss on the psychological health and emotional state of patients, in addition to reducing hypersensitivity in the head area.
The “handkerchiefs for life”, as the project is called, have been manufactured with materials adapted to the needs of patients, combining fabrics, thickness levels, colors and designs adapted to the season of the year, with sun protection for summer and prepared for the rain in winter.
The Canarian foundation has also acquired handkerchiefs and turbans with children’s sizes and graphic designs that include drawings to make the difficult process of hair loss easier for children, who also received a gift: a little bird with scant fur ready to play with them. “I don’t have many feathers on my head, I like to hide them under a turban because it’s warm and comfortable and protects my little head from the sun. If you wear your new hat too, we can be cool together”, invites the mascot.
“With this initiative we intend to contribute another grain of sand so that patients feel a little better and can take another step to improve their quality of life,” Brigitte Gypen, president of the foundation, told this newspaper. The handkerchiefs are delivered free of charge in the Sala Rosa, a weekly meeting space for women with breast cancer, located in the Center for Citizen Participation and Coexistence in Adeje, although the foundation plans to visit the north of Tenerife and other islands, depending Of demand.