The “captain” of La Garriga, the bar of classic tortilla sandwiches in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, retires

Lorenzo, the “captain” of the mythical La Garriga bar in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, retires after spending a lifetime behind the bar, assembling one of the best sandwiches made in the capital: a delicacy of tortilla and chacina that is already a classic of chicharrera gastronomy.

“This week is sad and happy at the same time,” his colleagues share on social networks. Happy because Lorenzo begins a new stage in his life, “a time of rest and enjoyment that is well earned,” they add; and sad because “a friend, father, colleague, confidant and good professional is leaving us, and everyone, both inside and outside the bar, is going to miss him, it will be a very difficult gap to forget and fill,” they continue. in the message.

The clientele has not hesitated to reply congratulating and thanking so many years of work and dedication. “A great professional and a great person, to enjoy that well-deserved rest,” they pointed out. Others recalled Lorenzo’s beginnings at the bar, at the age of 17: “Working since he was 17. You already deserve a break. I knew you from a young age and I have never forgotten you. Enjoy retirement.”

A job well done has its rewards. “For us it is not La Garriga, it is Casa Lorenzo”.

This week is sad and happy at the same time. Happy because he goes to a new stage of his life: -time of rest and…

Posted by the garrigue on Tuesday, April 26, 2022

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