The underground car park weyler square, which has more than 500 beds, is one of the most expensive in the city, at 2.3 euros per hour. A rate that, according to the price review of public car parks that is being carried out by the Public Services area, headed by Carlos Tarife (PP), does not fit the concession that was granted in 1993 to the company that manages, Parking Tenerife.
Based on the calculations carried out by the Public Services technicians, the hourly price must be set at 1.50 euros, for which reason the dealer has been ordered to lower those 80 cents more than he currently charges. In addition, in calculating the payment of the annual canon that the company should have paid since it agreed to the concession, it estimates the City hall that have to be updated a little more than 6,000 euros.
The report that the Consistory has sent to the company establishes, therefore, that it must set the maximum applicable rate at 1.50 euros per hour, (IGIC included), which is equivalent to 0.025 euros per minute. You are given a period of one month to proceed with the application of said rate in the aforementioned car park.
It also sets the amount of the fee to be paid this year at 12,404 euros per quarter, which translates into just over 49,000 euros per year.
According to municipal calculations, the company had been paying about 3,000 euros a year less than what it was entitled to for the public concession, so it has to pay those 6,000 euros corresponding to the last three years, since the maximum that can be claimed is four years ago.
The concession company, Parking Tenerife SA, went twice to the City Council to communicate the price update, but never received an official response accepting or denying the request, which is why the allegations presented by the company have been rejected.
Public Services is reviewing the rates of all public car parks in the city, Weyler’s being the third to which it has been addressed, indicating that it must readjust its rates according to the formula that is annealed in the specifications that allowed the award in each case.