More than 500 experts, professionals and entities have transferred their proposals in the dialogue opened last January by the Canarian Coalition-PNC within the framework of the program ‘Let’s project the future together. The Canary Islands need you.
The National Secretary General of the Canarian-PNC Coalition, Fernando Clavijo, positively valued the reception that the initiative is having to “project the future of the Islands at a time marked by uncertainty, by the unstoppable rise in prices and by the difficult situation economic”.
The leader of the Canarian nationalists recognized “the valuable contribution of Canarian society” and pointed out that now more than ever “it is necessary to listen, debate and agree on measures that allow us to draw the present and the future of the Canary Islands and not impose it”.
Clavijo highlighted the participation of sectors, entities, entrepreneurs, citizens, who “need to be heard and have a lot to contribute to achieve a more resistant Canary Islands, less dependent on foreign countries and with new opportunities,” he added.
Fernando Clavijo emphasized the need to “assume the change in the economic and social cycle after the pandemic and aggravated by the unstoppable rise in inflation – already at 9.8% – and the even greater weakness of the markets caused by the Ukraine war.
In this regard, he pointed out that the strategy “cannot be to sit back and wait for measures to be taken in Madrid or in Europe; the Canary Islands have room for maneuver to adopt measures that have a direct impact on the economy and on the pockets of the Canary Islands.”
In this context, he criticized the “negationism” of the Government of Ángel Víctor Torres, “whose only strategy in the face of the economic and social crisis is to do nothing and wait for others to do it while families, the self-employed and small and medium-sized companies Canary Islands are having a really hard time making it to the end of the month”.
The secretary general pointed out that the strategy of the Government of the Canary Islands “cannot be to push family economies and the economic and productive fabric of the Islands to the limit” and lamented that once again “they are arriving late when the archipelago has not yet overcome the consequences of the health crisis.
“We Canarian nationalists – he maintained – will continue to make proposals. We have done it since the covid-19 broke out, transferring more than 500 economic and social measures; we repeated it after the outbreak of the rise in prices, when we sent the governments of the the State and the Canary Islands some thirty specific measures for the Canary Islands, and we will continue to work hand in hand with the sectors, the social agents, experts, the two public universities of the Islands and the Canary Islands and the Canary Islands to work on mid-level policies and long term that affect economic diversification, greater autonomy and the fight against the social divide”.
For this reason, the nationalists set themselves the goal of opening a dialogue with Canarian society on issues ranging from social investment and the third sector; the modernization and excellence of tourism; the internationalization of the Canarian economy; Public Health from the perspective of the pandemic crisis; youth policies; the ecological transition and the promotion of clean energies; food sovereignty; the digital revolution; Canary Islands-State and Canary Islands-Europe relations; employment policies for a new economic scenario; public investment, connectivity and transportation; I+C, Science and Research; culture and identity and equality.
In addition to the meetings are the contributions that arrive through the channels set up within the framework of the ‘Canarias neneces’ program and which can be accessed through