The mayor and the first deputy mayor of Los Realejos, Manuel Dominguez Y Adolf Gonzalezannounce the tender for an amount of 60,000 euros the writing of the basic project of the future municipal swimming pool and its attached sports complex. A technical document that must be based on the economic-financial feasibility study previously commissioned by the Municipality of Los Realejoswhich will serve to “continue with the file that gives the green light to the execution of the demanded infrastructure”.
Adolf Gonzalez recalls that “the aforementioned feasibility study foresees a mixed investment of 3.8 million euros guaranteeing the public management of the pool, proposing its construction on the municipal lot behind the current pool, an infrastructure that will in turn be rehabilitated to house new gym areas, cafeteria and complementary uses for sports, health and leisure”.
“The planned investment for the execution of the project that will be drawn up when this tender ends estimates a model with a private contribution of around 2,950,000 euros and a public contribution of 850,000 euros, the realejero City Council reserving the management of the poolall based on an exhaustive financial technical diagnostic study that tried to find the most viable economic and sports management model and fleeing from models that have proven unsuccessful in other locationssome with their swimming pools closed and in other cases with serious maintenance and operation difficulties”, he insists Manuel Dominguez.
“An exhaustive technical-financial diagnostic study was carried out that tried to find the most viable economic and sports management model, fleeing from models that have proven unsuccessful in other locations”
The draft of the project that includes the feasibility study establishes a minimum in the future construction by which the bidder of the final wording must abide by, and must integrate three pools of water, machine room, spectator stands, changing rooms for users and subscribers, competition changing rooms, storage space, additional rooms and gym, cafeteria, reception, hall and offices.
The three pool pools (sports, recreational and teaching) for both federated sports training, as for the user citizenship service in general, would correspond to public management. As for the cafeteria, gym, fitness room and complementary spaces for practicing sports, the exploitation would correspond to the company that was ultimately awarded the investment, which a priori would do so under the legal figure of a public concession contract for a period of 22 years.
Based on the feasibility study, the future project will consist of three differentiated and connected building volumes, consisting of the new building that will house the new swimming pools on the municipal site, the rehabilitation of the current swimming pool building in use, which will be converted into the so-called dry areas and a connection module for said constructions contemplating the partial occupation of the current Calle Pilotowhich will connect with a surface parking space in another adjoining municipal plot.
A period of two years is foreseen from the award of the concession for the construction of the new swimming pool building, a period in which the current facility will remain in use so as not to interrupt the service. Once this phase is finished, the aquatic activity will begin in the new facilities, while the building of the current swimming pool is rehabilitated for its conversion into a gym and other complementary uses with an approximate execution period of one year.
“The fact of reuse the existing pool building for future complementary sports uses and offices makes this project much more feasible in economic terms and in terms of taking advantage of an infrastructure already built, so that the largest amount of the economic investment will be made in the new construction on public land”, details the mayor of Los Realejos, Manuel Dominguez.