The Council of Canary Islands Government has approved the decree that resolves the sanctioning procedure initiated against the E-Distribución Redes Digitales, SLU, and Unión Eléctrica de Canarias Generación, SAU, for the commission of very serious administrative offenses provided for in Law 24/2013, of 26 December, from the electricity sector, proposing a total fine of 16 million euros for the energy zero that took place in July 2020 in Tenerife.
According to the regional Executive, specifically, a fine of 6 million is established for the first entity and 10 million for the second for the incident that began on July 15, 2020 at 9:41 in the Tenerife electrical system, which caused a zero energy throughout the island without being able to recover the full supply until 4:44 p.m.
For its part, the investigation of the file proves that E-Distribución Redes Digitales, SLU, is responsible for not having shed the demand required in the current Shedding Plan approved by the CNE, which contributed to the incident leading to a total interruption of supply or zero electricity.
The lack of technical suitability of the configuration of the relay system in its facilities to meet the demand objectives to be de-loaded established in the current CNE plan was also proven.
For these reasons, in the proposed resolution of the instructor of the sanctioning procedure, the imposition of a fine of 6,000,001 euros is proposed for the commission of two very serious offences.
Regarding Unión Eléctrica de Canarias Generación, the sanctioning procedure concludes that it is responsible for originating the chain of events that caused a reduction in the available generation capacity and a reduction in supply that led to an interruption of this, first partially and, finally, , in the form of electric zero.
For this reason, in the proposed resolution of the instructor of the sanctioning procedure, the imposition of a fine of 10,002,751 euros for the commission of two very serious administrative offences.