The Cabildo de La Gomera has approved in plenary session the updating of the Insular Territorial Plan for Civil Protection Emergencies (PEIN), dated February 2003, with the aim of adapting it to the new developments arising in the regulatory framework and thus improve aspects related to operability, general coordination and optimization of resources in an emergency situation.
The insular president, Casimiro Curbelo, alluded to the importance of the shared responsibility between the public administrations and the Civil Protection groups “to guarantee not only security in emergencies, but also to prevent and anticipate the risks that may arise in order to carry out effective and planned management and response, coherently managing public-private resources, services and means”.
Likewise, Casimiro Curbelo pointed to the need to have “an Insular Emergency Plan updated to the new regulatory framework and the changing needs of the island, as well as new technologies that can be applied to emergency management.” “A plan of these characteristics cannot be rigid or static, but must be constantly supervised and adapted to the singularities that may occur in the different action scenarios in the matter of emergencies,” he added.
Based on the Basic Civil Protection Standard and the guidelines required by the Territorial Plan for Civil Protection Emergencies of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, the PEIN of La Gomera has to define in its first two chapters the compliance objectives, as well as their character and scope; in addition to the geographical scope of action, including the insular, geographical and topographical characteristics of the area.
The document also contemplates in the third chapter the analysis of potential risks -natural, anthropic and technological- that exist on the Island; and in the fourth, the structuring of the functional organization chart. The last two refer to the operation of the Plan, as well as the definition of actions to be carried out in the different phases of the emergency and the operating procedures to be carried out; and the implementation and maintenance of the Plan itself.
The update of the PEIN of La Gomera also includes a list of media and resource catalogues, a communications plan, an emergency telephone directory, maps and operating manuals.