Six out of ten young people participating in the Employment Launches the council they get work. The Island Councillor, Carmen Luz Basohighlights the good results of the project financed with 92,000 euros that had three axes in the north and south of the island.
A total of 69 young people between 20 and 30 years old (50 women and 19 men) participated in the shuttles for five months. They shared resources and learned new skills. 62% of young people have managed to enter the labor market. This is stated in the balance of results obtained in Garachico, La Victoria and Adeje. The objective is to reduce the high rate of youth unemployment.
Payal Daswani (Adeje,) affirms that he has obtained «the tools he needed and a network of contacts». Beatriz Afonso (Garachico) assesses: “I signed up without much hope, but my vision changed and I would recommend the experience.” Finally, Fernando Guerra (La Victoria) highlights the help in “self-confidence” to focus on the professional future.